Friday, September 11, 2009


I am so bored! I am sure no one really cares all that much, but since I haven't updated this in a few weeks and I have nothing better to do I am updating now. I am sitting here watching the Holiday on TBS. It's an okay movie. Pretty unrealistic, but oh well... it will do. Actually it's not that good of a movie at all. I hope that statement doesn't offend any of my many followers and blog stalkers out there. So I recently took a trip home to Vegas. It was a quick trip, but it was much needed and lots of fun. My mom and sister had a baby shower for me while I was there... If I knew how to post pictures on here I would and then this posting would be way more interesting. Most importantly while I was in Vegas I got to see my adorable nephews. I might be a little biased, but I personally think they are the cutest boys ever! There was a great trip to Chuck E. Cheese and hours spent hiding from monsters at grandma's house. A great way to spend a weekend in Vegas. Now I am back in Georgia. I guess that is about it. A pretty boring post on a very boring night. You are welcome!